WHAT IS RODINIA?Rodinia is a test that screens for genetic changes (mutations) associated with infertility.
Infertility is the inability to achieve and maintain a pregnancy and is considered a major disease of the reproductive system. Infertility affects approximately 1 in 6 couples worldwide. In couples experiencing pregnancy delay, male infertility accounts for about 35% and female infertility for about 45% of the cases. The remaining cases are caused by a combination of male and female factor.
Infertility can be caused by many reasons, including genetic changes. Biochemical and instrumental testing, such as hormone checks, ultrasounds and semen analysis can identify up to 65% of infertility cases. 10-15% of men and women have genetic changes associated with infertility. Infertility genetic testing can identify these changes, providing your healthcare provider with invaluable knowledge that will help them take informed and accurate decisions on the best clinical management for you, which will help increase your chances of conceiving.
Rodinia can help:
• Identify the genetic cause for infertility
• Enable accurate prognosis
• Assist the healthcare provider in deciding the most optimal treatment for a couple or an individual
• Increase the chances of a successful pregnancy
• Inform on potential complications from treatment, such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
• Inform if early interventions will be beneficial


Couples or individuals
experiencing delay in conceiving

Women with irregular
or absent menstruation

Men with low sperm count,
irregular sperm form or movement

Individuals with external characteristics
indicating a syndrome associated
with sex development

Couples or individuals that
will undergo assisted reproductive
technology (ART) treatment

Candidates for sperm
or oocyte donation

Individuals with a
family history of infertility

Couples or individuals with
more than one miscarriage
Applicable only for the
Thrombophilia & NAIT panel
Rodinia offers a Female and a Male Infertility Panel which detect numerous genetic mutations associated with infertility. Both panels also test for whole, partial and mosaic* sex chromosome changes which can cause fertility problems.
Rodinia also offers a Thrombophilia and NAIT Panel that checks for specific genetic changes associated with recurrent pregnancy loss.
*Mosaicism: Two or more genetically different sets of cells (in an individual)

Includes testing of the X chromosomes, and disorders such as primary ovarian insufficiency, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
Includes testing of X and Y chromosomes, including Y-chromosome microdeletions, and disorders such as hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, like Kallmann syndrome.
Can be beneficial for couples or individuals with more than one miscarriage, or with a family history of Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT), among other reasons. Can be selected as an Add-on panel to the Female or Male panel, or as a stand-alone panel.