WHAT IS AMFIRA?Amfira is a preimplantation genetic test (PGT) that can help you increase your chances of becoming pregnant.
Amfira PGT can be used during in Vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycles to test embryos and detect which ones are chromosomally normal (euploid). Chromosomal assessment of embryos, in addition to morphological grading, can result in improved assessment of embryo status, higher implantation potential and the best chance to result in a successful pregnancy and delivery. Additionally, implantation of euploid embryos can potentially reduce the number of IVF cycles and time needed to achieve pregnancy.
Contrary to previous technologies, the recent introduction of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) for PGT has shown improved efficiency and precision.
Amfira PGT can identify euploid embryos, which can:
• Increase the chances of successful implantation
• Increase the chances of livebirth
• Lower miscarriage rate
• Lead to safer pregnancies, with fewer maternal and perinatal complications by promoting single embryo transfers (SETs)
• Achieve a pregnancy earlier compared to cycles without PGT


Any individual or
couple going through IVF

Any individual or
couple with a history of
unsuccessful fertility treatments

Women who have
experienced at least
one miscarriage

Individuals with structural
chromosomal rearrangements

Women who have
experienced a previous pregnancy
with a chromosomal aneuploidy

Women over 35 years old
going through IVF
Amfira offers 2 PGT panels:
PGT for Aneuploidies (PGT-A)
For all individuals or couples going through IVF
PGT-A examines the chromosomes of embryos to detect the ones that are euploid and have the best prospect to achieve pregnancy. PGT-A tests for whole, partial and mosaic changes in all 23 chromosomal pairs, and can detect selected male polyploidies and segmental changes over 10Mb.
PGT for Structural Rearrangements (PGT-SR)
For diagnosed carriers of balanced rearrangements (translocations), where a person has the correct number of chromosomes but not in the correct location.
A person with a balanced translocation may have:
• Difficulty conceiving
• Recurrent pregnancy loss
• A child without the translocation, or with a balanced form of the translocation (phenotypically healthy)
• A child with an unbalanced form of the translocation that will have extra or missing chromosomal material, which may cause physical or intellectual impairements.
PGT-SR can help identify embryos that are euploid or balanced for the translocation, optimizing your chances for a successful pregnancy and livebirth. Amfira PST-SR includes PGT-A analysis, testing for whole, partial and mosaic changes on all 23 chromosomal pairs. Selected male polyploidies are reported, along with segmental or structural aneuploidies over 10Mb.

Chromosomal aneuploidies (changes) in embryos negatively impact implantation, and subsequently pregnancy and livebirth rates. They are the primary cause of miscarriage in women, accounting for up to 70% of pregnancy losses*. Whole chromosome aneuploidies occur more frequently with increasing maternal age. Women over 35 years old generally have more difficulty conceiving, a higher risk of miscarriage and of having a baby with a chromosomal aneuploidy. However, other types of aneuploidies, like segmental changes and mosaicism (mix of normal and abnormal cells) can occur in women of all ages.
PGT cannot correct embryos with chromosomal aneuploidy. However, knowing which embryos are chromosomally normal enables the healthcare providers to implant those embryos over chromosomally abnormal embryos, optimizing your chances of pregnancy and livebirth.
*Silver R.M. and Branch D. (2007)
In the last two decades, PGT has become a routine part of IVF cycles. PGT requires embryo biopsy to be performed during IVF; which is a procedure many experienced embryologists are trained to perform. During the procedure, a few cells from the developing embryo are removed and sent to our laboratory for testing, while the embryos remain at the fertility clinic.
Overall, treatment success, both in terms of higher live birth rates and lower miscarriage rates, is improved when PGT is used as part of the IVF cycle. Obstetric, neonatal and early childhood outcome data in children conceived through IVF and PGT are reassuring. With the continuing advancements of technology, the latest techniques both in embryo biopsy and preimplantation genetic testing, provide highest levels of safety, efficiency and accuracy than even before.

The Amfira report will let you know whether your embryos are:
An embryo which is chromosomally normal, having in total 46 chromosomes. Euploid embryos have the best chance for implantation, pregnancy and livebirth.
An embryo with additional or fewer chromosomes than 46.
• Whole chromosome aneuploidy: An entire chromosome is either missing
•(monosomy – 1 copy) or is extra (trisomy – 3 copies)
• Segmental aneuploidy: Part of a chromosome is missing (deletion)
•or is extra (duplication)
The development of the embryo, its survival, implantation potential, miscarriage risk and the health of the baby depend on whether the aneuploidy is whole or segmental, and on the affected chromosome.
An embryo which has 46 chromosomes in some of its cells, and more or fewer chromosomes in other cells. Mosaicism is a biological phenomenon. Mosaic embryos may still result in viable pregnancies. The development of the embryo and the health of the baby depend on the chromosome affected by mosaicism, and on the biopsied cells.