Our editorial policy outlines the guidelines and principles that Medicover Genetics adheres to when producing and publishing content. The company’s mission and values, content focus, content creation workflow, review and correction process, and editorial standards form the basis of this policy.
At Medicover Genetics, we are committed to providing current, accurate and reliable healthcare information to our customers, enabling them to make informed decisions about their health.

Accuracy and reliability: We prioritize accuracy and reliability in all aspects of our services and scientific content. Experienced scientists and scientific writers research, prepare, write and review our content.
Transparency: We believe in transparency and honesty, and we will always be clear about our diagnostic testing services, testing methods, and results.
Education: We are committed to providing accurate information and raising awareness on issues concerning health and well-being. Our blog content is designed to provide informative and easy-to-understand resources.
By offering accurate healthcare information and providing informative blog content, we aim to help our customers make informed decisions about their health, and be the preferred partner to referring healthcare providers.
We provide transparency and clarity about the types of content we publish on medicover-genetics.com. Our focus is on creating informative and educational content that helps our readers make informed decisions about their health.
We produce the following type of content:
Diagnostic Services: We provide information about the diagnostic services that our company provides to help patients understand what to expect.
This includes but is not limited to
• Information about the types of diagnostic services offered, including a genetic testing portfolio for rare diseases, oncology, and reproductive health (that encompasses carrier and newborn screening), as well as molecular pathology, pharmacogenetic analyses, and whole exome analysis.
• Detailed background information about genetic diseases, including rare diseases, that covers causes and symptoms.
• Details about the specific tests offered, including what they look for and how they are performed.
• Information on genetic counseling.
• Descriptions of possible test results.
• Frequently asked questions and answers about the diagnostic services.
• Contact information.
Blog Articles: We produce a variety of blog articles about genetics, hereditary diseases, and health and well-being that target both patients and healthcare professionals. These articles are written and reviewed by experienced writers and scientists to ensure accuracy and readability. Our goal is to provide educational content that is accessible to everyone, and our content focuses on providing information about healthcare topics that are relevant to our readers.
Examples of the type of information that might be included in blog posts:
• Symptoms and causes of specific diseases or conditions, including rare and hereditary diseases.
• The importance of routine checkups, screening programs, and preventative health measures.
• Tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise recommendations.
• News and updates on medical breakthroughs and advancements in genetics and rare genetic diseases, including reviews of recently published scientific papers or information presented at conferences.
• Information on diagnostic tests or screening methods.
• Discussion of common myths or misconceptions about health and wellness.
• General educational information about genetics and hereditary disease.
• Information about key people and discoveries in the field of science and genetics.
• Presentation of health awareness days and months.
• Discussions about how genetics influences physical characteristics.
• Infographics covering relevant topics, such as rare diseases or genetics.
We are committed to upholding our editorial standards and ensuring that our content is of the highest quality. We strive to provide accurate, up-to-date information that is free of bias.

We aim to provide trustworthy and informative content for both patients and healthcare professionals on medicover-genetics.com in accordance with our editorial standards:
Accuracy and reliability: We are committed to providing accurate and reliable information in all our content, including our diagnostic services product information pages and blog articles. Our editorial team of scientific writers prepares and reviews all content to ensure that it meets the highest standards of accuracy.
Quality and depth: We strive to provide in-depth and comprehensive information about genetic disorders, including symptoms, causes, possible treatments, and diagnostic services, to both patients and healthcare professionals. Our content is written by scientific writers with expertise in their respective fields.
Clarity and readability: We believe in presenting information in a clear and easily understandable manner. We use plain language and clearly explain any scientific and medical terms we use.
Sources and references: We rely on credible and trustworthy sources for all our content, including scientific studies, medical journals and expert opinions. All sources and references are clearly cited.
At medicover-genetics.com, we are committed to providing you with trustworthy and informative content that helps you make informed decisions about your health and complies with our editorial standards.
The process of content creation is as follows:
Choose a topic: We start by selecting a topic that we think will be interesting and relevant to our readers.
Research the topic: Once we have chosen a topic, a member of our editorial team thoroughly researches it to gather information from credible sources. These include medical journals, academic papers, government health agencies, professional medical organizations, health news websites and publications staffed by medical professionals, clinical practice guidelines developed by medical societies or professional organizations, and online medical databases that provide access to peer-reviewed research articles and abstracts. We want to make sure that our editorial team provides you with up-to-date and accurate information.
Create an outline: Based on our research, we create an outline for the type of content we want to create (e.g., blog article or infographic) to ensure a logical structure.
Write the content: Using the outline, the scientific writer prepares the content in a clear and concise manner, explaining complicated principles, scientific and medical terms. We use examples and case studies to illustrate our points and engage our readers where possible.
Review and edit: After completing the draft, we review and edit our work, making sure the content is factually accurate and free of any bias, and checking for grammatical errors, typos and formatting issues.
Approval: All content is approved by another member of our editorial team to ensure that the information we are presenting is accurate, easy to understand and in line with our editorial standards.
Publish and promote: Once we are satisfied with our content, we publish it on our website and may promote it through social media channels, email newsletters and other marketing efforts.

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of our content, we have an experienced editorial team consisting of scientists who write and review content for our website (see medicover-genetics.com/our-editorial-team).
Any issues identified during the review process are communicated to the writer. The editorial team will then work together to make the necessary revisions and updates to the content, ensuring that it meets our editorial standards and is accurate and up-to-date. This review process not only ensures the quality of our content but also helps us build trust and credibility with our readers.
We understand that the healthcare industry is constantly evolving, as scientists make new discoveries and publish their work. This is why we are committed to publishing new content to reflect the latest findings and recommendations in our field.
We are dedicated to providing our readers with the most accurate and reliable information possible, and we take pride in upholding our editorial standards.