
Health and well-being

Health and well-being

The rise of AI in healthcare: Potential to transform the future of medicine

It seems as though everyone is talking about artificial intelligence, usually referred to as AI, these days! Indeed, not only are AI tools now accessible to everyone, but many of us are already using..


A journey from Aspirin to personalized medicine: A brief history of drug development

Medicine as we know it has been around for just over 100 years. Before this, alcohol and opium were the main forms of pain relief in Europe. The development of the first vaccine to prevent disease in..

Health and well-being

Side effects of the cold: how low temperatures can make some conditions worse

Not everyone likes winter. For people who do not enjoy the cold weather, or having to put on a thick coat to go outside, a winter can be a source of discomfort. Even healthy people are more susceptib..

Health and well-being

Movember is all about men’s health

The month of November, also known as Movember, has been chosen as the month to raise awareness about men’s health. During Movember, men are encouraged to grow a moustache, or participate in an even..

Health and well-being

Living with HIV. An interview

Human immunodeficiency virus, commonly known as HIV, is a virus that attacks the immune system of the affected person and more specifically, white blood cells known as CD4 cells. HIV gradually destro..

Health and well-being

Living with diabetes. An interview

One in ten people worldwide have diabetes, a multitype chronic condition involving high blood glucose levels resulting from the body’s inability to produce enough or any insulin. Over time, diabete..

Health and well-being

Vitamin D: The sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D, also known as “the sunshine vitamin”, is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphate, which are essential for the formation of bones and teeth, the function ..

Health and well-being

Healthy eating during pregnancy

A healthy, nutritious and well-balanced diet is always important for a person’s well-being, and it is even more so during pregnancy as the developing baby needs nutrients to grow and develop. The m..

Health and well-being

Facts about Florence Nightingale

May 12 is International Nurses Day. It is celebrated on Florence Nightingale’s birthday. She pioneered the field of modern nursing through her dedication, commitment and endeavor. What is Fl..

Health and well-being

Folic acid and pregnancy – preventing neural tube defects with supplements

Each year, 300,000 babies are born with Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) worldwide [1]. NTDs are developmental defects of the brain and spinal cord occurring during early fetal development. Most of these c..

Health and well-being